Sunday, September 7, 2008

McCain Lied

McCain is at it again. He is lying about the economy. Obama said that he can't just make stuff up, but George W. Bush has been making stuff since 2002 when he said the Iraqi's had weapons of mass destruction in trucks riding around the streets of Baghdad. He made people think that Saddam Hussein was ready to launch a nuclear weapon at the U.S. or Israel, forget about the facts that they did possess enough enriched uranium or fuel cells to blow a whole in the ground. In spite of all of this McCain still wants to continue to stay in Iraq indefinitely.

Senator Obama wants to leave Iraq and focus on finding Ossama Bin Laden isn't that what the war on terrorism is all about? Finding the people responsible for 9/11/01? I will not forget and I hope we never lose sight of that infamous day. It is what the war on terror is supposed about not expoiting another countries natural resources.





Friday, September 5, 2008

What about the lies?

Palin Lied!!!!!!! She said she voted against the Bridge to nowhere, but in actuality she did. She lied LIED LIED LIED. Her pants are on fire she is such a liar!!!!!!! Do not be fooled by this woman she is very dangerous for America. She is a narrow minded Bigot!!!!! She will take America so far backward on all of the issues Abortion, Healthcare, Animal Rights, Environmental Protection. Lets go forward with Obama/Biden not backward to the 1950's with these out of date dangerous bigots. Her daughter did not trust her own mother enough to ask her for help getting birth control and now her whole life is ruined and she is scandalized and being forced to marry at 17 years old.
John McCain is as much as about Change as George W. Bush is about leaving Iraq's oil money behind. John McCain has voted with George W. Bush 99% of the time. He was for continuing the Iraq war until the Iraqi's said they wanted a timetable for the U.S. to get out. Don't even let me get started on Palin, she is so far removed from the mainstream that even the Republicans say she is there to get the base together and secure. This woman is a hunter who does not believe in environmental protection. She tried to get Bush to take Polar Bears off the endangered species list. These people are playing games with our lives and they have no intention of trying to make the economy better because as they are concerned them and their rich friends are doing just fine and getting richer off of the war machine.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

We Love Obama

Obama is a class act. He refuses to discuss the latest Republican scandal by saying family is off limits. He could have used McCain's running mate's personal life against them but he chose the high road. This is one more reason to vote for the man, and proof that he will focus on the issues important to making America a strong country again and will not try to pull the wool over our eyes with unnecessary distractions.



The republicans are such hipocrites they do not even believe in their own rhetoric. Abstinence my behind. McCain is a desperate man to pick a woman who is under indictment and who cannot even manage her own family.

He is pandering to the female vote. He is trying to turn Hillary's 18,000,000 cracks in the glass ceiling into crack heads. Do not be fooled.

This woman is no Hillary Clinton. Hillary raised her daughter to be a lady, who cares for herself and others, not some, spoiled, slutbag embarrassment to her family, who can't keep her legs closed long enough to abstain.

If this woman cannot manage to keep her daughter as chaste as she previously proclaimed her to be then how can we trust her judgement and integrity in managing the country?