Sunday, September 7, 2008

McCain Lied

McCain is at it again. He is lying about the economy. Obama said that he can't just make stuff up, but George W. Bush has been making stuff since 2002 when he said the Iraqi's had weapons of mass destruction in trucks riding around the streets of Baghdad. He made people think that Saddam Hussein was ready to launch a nuclear weapon at the U.S. or Israel, forget about the facts that they did possess enough enriched uranium or fuel cells to blow a whole in the ground. In spite of all of this McCain still wants to continue to stay in Iraq indefinitely.

Senator Obama wants to leave Iraq and focus on finding Ossama Bin Laden isn't that what the war on terrorism is all about? Finding the people responsible for 9/11/01? I will not forget and I hope we never lose sight of that infamous day. It is what the war on terror is supposed about not expoiting another countries natural resources.

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